Michael Beacher presents his research assessing the public health impacts as related to power grids at the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference.
Michael Beacher used quantitative data to understand health damages associated with various potential energy expansion policies and investigated their impacts on total policy costs.
Research showcases an innovative approach to enhancing wind energy forecasting accuracy at multiple heights and locations by integrating statistical and deep learning techniques.
Rachel Eden Fu Ren Wesley has always been curious about how things work – and how to improve them, which prompted her to pursue a master’s degree in industrial engineering at Rutgers.
Rachel Eden Fu Ren Wesley, a May graduate of the Rutgers School of Engineering, has always been curious about how things work as she pursued a master’s degree in industrial engineering.
Two teams of Industrial and Systems Engineering doctoral students were awarded second and third places respectively in the inaugural Data Analytics Competition held by the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Data Analytics and Information Systems Division.