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Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Industrial and Systems Engineering Active Research Grants  

Principal Investigator: Weihong “Grace” Guo
Proposal: IoT-enabled Smart Food Supply Chain: Strengthening Food Security by Data-driven Optimization, Simulation, and Interactive Decision-Making Tools
Funding Source: Qatar National Research Fund 
Award Amount: $500,000
Funding Period: November 2021 – October 2024

Co-Principal Investigator: Weihong “Grace” Guo
Proposal: FMRG: Cyber: ManufacturingUSA: NextG-Enabled Manufacturing of the Future (NextGEM)
Funding Source: National Science Foundation 
Award Amount: $2,999,632
Funding Period: June 2024 – May 2028

Principal Investigator: Weihong “Grace” Guo
Proposal: Transit Service Coordination Needs Assessment
Funding Source: New York Metropolitan Transportation Council 
Award Amount: $150,000, funded
Funding Period: October 2023 – September 2024

Principal Investigator: Ahmed Aziz Ezzat
Proposal: AI for Good: Unlocking Wind-Whale Co-Existence
Funding Source: Office of the Chancellor-Provost, Rutgers New Brunswick
Award Amount: $50,000
Funding Period: 2023 - 2025

Principal Investigator: Ahmed Aziz Ezzat
Proposal: AIRU-WRF: AI-Powered Physics-Based Tool for Offshore Wind Forecasting and Grid Integration
Funding Source: National Offshore Wind Research & Development Consortium/Department of Energy (NOWRDC/DoE), 
Award Amount: $361,000
Funding Period: 2023 - 2025

Principal Investigator: Ahmed Aziz Ezzat
Proposal: GOALI: Generation versus Degradation: Striking the optimal balance for wind farm profitability via digitization, predictive and prescriptive analytics”
Funding Source: National Science Foundation, ECCS-EPCN-2114422
Award Amount: $450,000K (An additional $16 000 REU Supplement Awarded) 
Funding Period: 2021 - 2025

Principal Investigator: Ahmed Aziz Ezzat
Proposal: Scale Bridging in Ductile Fracture via Kernel-based Machine Learning
Funding Source: National Science Foundation, CMMI-MOMS-2034074
Award Amount: $577,000
Funding Period: 2022 - 2025

Principal Investigator: Ahmed Aziz Ezzat
Proposal: Advanced Analytics for On-Board Diagnostics & Prognostics
Funding Source: New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJ-EDA). 
Award Amount: $45,000
Funding Period: 2021 - 2023

Principal Investigator: Ahmed Aziz Ezzat
Proposal: Towards Reliable Wind Power with Machine Learning: A Collaboration between Rutgers and Cairo Universities
Funding Source: Rutgers Global Office
Award Amount: $8,000
Funding Period: 2022 - 2024

Principal Investigator: Mohsen Jafari 
Proposal: Transition to Zero-carbon Community; Scientific Framework for Integrated Economic, Social and Technology
Funding Source: Qatar National Research
Award Amount: $575,000  
Funding Period: May 2021 - May 2024

Principal Investigator: Mohsen Jafari 
Proposal: Clean Hydrogen and Off-shore Wind Integration Study
Funding Source: Atlantic Shores
Award Amount: $350,000
Funding Period: December 2021 – August 2024 

Principal Investigator: Elin M. Wicks
Proposal: SNA Investigation in Engineering Courses 
Funding Source: Research Council Grant
Award Amount: $24,950
Funding Period: two-year project ending June 30, 24
Summary: This research study has the goal of analyzing the nature of the social network of students in a large, multi-disciplinary class with the long-term goal of identifying interventions and pedagogical innovations that promote the success of students from minoritized and marginalized groups.

Principal Investigator: Zhimin Xi
Proposal: Collision-free Dynamic Window Approach for Moving Obstacles
Funding Source: Rutgers TechAdvance
Award Amount: $56,600
Funding Period: July 2023 - June 2024

Principal Investigator: Zhimin Xi
Proposal: Affordable and Reliable Autonomous Wheelchairs
Funding Source: National Science Foundation I-Corps Program
Award Amount: $50,000
Funding Period: March 2023 - February 2024

Principal Investigator: Farzad Yousefian
Proposal: Advancing Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Decentralized Optimization in Complex Multi-agent Networks 
Funding Source: National Science Foundation (Faculty Early Career Development Program) CAREER
Award Amount: $500,000
Funding Period: March 1, 2020 – February 28, 2025

Principal Investigator: Farzad Yousefian
Co-PI: Uday V. Shanbhag, Pennsylvania State University
Proposal: Randomized Federated Learning for Nonsmooth, Nonconvex, and Hierarchical Optimization
Funding Source: Department of Energy
Award Amount: $400,000 ($214,250, $185,750 
Funding Period: September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2024 

Principal Investigator: Farzad Yousefian
Co-PI: Uday V. Shanbhag, Pennsylvania State University
Collaborative Proposal: Hierarchical Programs Under Uncertainty: Risk, Discreteness, and Distributed Resolution
Funding Source: Office of Naval Research
Award Amount: $625,000 ($300,000 and $325,000)
Funding Period: October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025