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Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Research Interests

•    Statistical quality control and process monitoring
•    Data fusion for manufacturing and healthcare system modeling and improvements
•    Sensing, modeling, and monitoring of high-definition profile data
•    Quality-oriented design and modeling of complex manufacturing systems


•    First Place Winner in 2014 INFORMS Minority Issues Forum Poster Competition, for poster titled “A Decision Support System on Surgical Treatments for Rotator Cuff Tears”, November 2014
•    Best Paper Award Finalist, Quality Control and Reliability Engineering (QCRE) Student Paper Competition, 2014 Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), May 31 - June 3, Montreal, Canada 
•    Best Paper Award, the 11th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing (ICFDM), for paper titled “Real-time Within-cycle Monitoring of Nonlinear Profile Signals”, May 23-25, 2014, Nanjing, China
•    Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship (one of the most prestigious awards given to graduate students with a three-term stipend and other benefits to support dissertation research), University of Michigan, 2014 (total 76 awardees, among which only 12 are from the College of Engineering)
•    Wilson Prize ($1,000, departmental award given to the best student paper dealing with any aspect of manufacturing systems), Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering, University of Michigan
•    2014 NSF Travel Grant, for presenting at 2014 ISERC, Montreal, Canada
•    Rackham Travel Grant, University of Michigan (2011-2014)
•    Graduate Student Research Assistantship, Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering, University of Michigan (2010-2013)
•    Departmental Fellowship, Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering, University of Michigan (2012-2013)
•    Second Place Winner in Design and Manufacturing Track in the 7th Annual Engineering Graduate Symposium, University of Michigan (November 2012)
•    Outstanding Graduate of the Year, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2010)
•    National Scholarship (8000RMB), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2009)
•    Tung OOCL Scholarship (5000RMB), funded by Hong Kong’s Tung Foundation and Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (2008) 4 Weihong (Grace) Guo Second Prize in “Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Cup” National English Debate Competition – Tsinghua Round, Beijing, China (2009)  
•    Tau Beta Pi, The Engineering Honor Society (2014)
•    Selected attendee of NextProf Workshop at the University of Michigan, College of Engineering (September 24-27, 2013). NextProf Workshop was designed to encourage women in engineering and science to consider academia. 
•    Selected attendee of Yonsei Leadership Forum - Northeast Asian network 2009, organized by Yonsei Institute for Leadership Development, Seoul, Korea (2009)

Professional Affiliations

•    Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)
•    Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) – Quality, Statistics, and Reliability section – Data Mining section – Minority Issue Forum
•    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
•    Student Volunteer in ASME MSEC 2014


•    Ph.D., Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, 2015
•    M.S., Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, 2012
•    B.S., Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2010


Dr. Guo’s research interests are in the areas of statistical quality control and process monitoring, data mining for manufacturing and healthcare systems modeling and improvement, and quality-oriented design and modeling of complex manufacturing systems. Her current research focuses on data fusion methods in the interface between applied statistics and system control/optimization.

She is a member of IIE, INFORMS, and ASME. Dr. Guo is the recipient of the 2014 ISERC Quality Control & Reliability Engineering Best Student Paper Award Finalist, the 2014 International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing Sciences Best Paper Award, the Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship from the University of Michigan, and the Wilson Prize for the Best Student Paper in Manufacturing. Her teaching interests include quality engineering, data analytics, and manufacturing systems.